söndag 6 september 2009

Carolina Gynning- my rolemodel!

This is the most beautyful woman in Sweden. Maybe in the world to... Carolina Gynning. She is not only pretty, she is an artist and an entreprenour. She have her own perfume, tv-show and a really cool blog which I recommend everyone to take a look at http://www.gynning.net/blogg/

For me she is the most inspiring person I know. Her clothes, make-up, style and attitude is so good! She look good in whatever style she wears for the day, whatever haircolour she tries. She is a perfect fashionbarbie with attitude.

I borrowed this a few of here lovely pictures from her blog so just enjoy! =)

And understand that you never have to ask me why I dress in certain way. Or do my makeup in a crazy way. I like extreme clothes either they are glamrock, barbie or stylish bratclothes and I am not going to apologize for wearing too extreme colors in clothes for example. I love clothes make-up and fashion and one of my main-intrests is my own look and to be perfect... just so you know.. =) Thanks to this lovely Carolina Gynning its easier to have self confidence to be yourself.

Now I gonna watch Victorias Secret Fashion Show from Miami 2009 =)
XoXo // Citykatt

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